Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Pics from melaka trip...

HEre they are...

Somethin like a freakin heritage museum...

My cousin Aida, my cousin Ira, and myself Myself...

Love the background! (from left, my uncle[Act sexy!], Aida[Act Cute!], Astrid a.k.a. My sis [Love the hair, hate the puckering!], Me and Ira [no comments], my dad[*snort* opera wannabe hehheh *snort*], and my mum[Shes lost...]

*sigh* girls...

*Sigh!* Girls!

*SIGH!!!!* GIRLZZZZZ!!!!!!(my sister, Ira and Aida)

Tihanny and me on a train...

Tihanny And me on a train Part 2...

Tihanny, Aida, Auni, Truck named "Hang Tuah", Me and Ira

Me, Ira, Tihanny, Auni and Aida...

My uncle, (ehhhk, act cool hehe)

Ira and Aida with a ginger bread house...

Me and Aida in the mall...

From left in the front, Aida, Ira, Me and my dad with the beanie and the manutd jersey at the back.

Ok Thats all!

Reee-faat on 9:17 PM